Monday 6 October 2014

Setting targets - Couch to 5km?

I think I'm going to have to set myself some realistic targets if I'm ever going to reach a fitness level which will allow me to run a half-marathon. I know what will happen if I don't: I'll aim too high, get frustrated and eventually give up.

After numerous Google searches, a programme that is constantly popping up is the Couch to 5km programme; even the NHS and BUPA have their own variation of this so it must be good. The only issue I am having with all of these programmes is that they seem to be aimed at either over 50s or over weight people... I'm neither of these!

I'm actually a healthy weight, eat reasonably well, don't smoke, cut down drastically on alcohol in the past year so am reasonably healthy... I am however, quite sedentary: I work at a desk and I've never been to a gym.

So, I think I will follow the advice given in the programmes, but modifiy it each week depending on how easy/hard I find it. I will keep a weekly update of my progress.

One change I will be making though, is not to aim at running for 5km, but to be able to run continuously for 30 minutes, and THEN aim to run 5km within the 30 minutes.

Oh, and I'm setting myself 8 weeks to do this in!

BTW, you may be thinking: "Stop thinking about it and just do it" (Nike, you can send me free clothes now! ;-) ), well I would, but it's peeing down with rain! And that's peeing as in drinking 8 pints of lager before letting loose peeing!

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What do you think about this? Any helpful criticism? Are you doing something similar?